Books and Bundles

Nicole Kupchik, MN, RN, CCNS, CCRN-CMC, PCCN, has been a Critical Care RN for over 25 years. She uses her knowledge and expertise to arm nurses around the country with tools to create safe work and practice environments.
Her casual style sets the tone for a relaxed, fun & interactive learning environment. Find out how Nicole can help you.
I'm an auditory learner so just reading books won't do it for me (I also have both your PCCN books). So far, I've really been loving your PCCN online course. You are so engaging and the way you break down information is so good! Honestly, nobody has explained reading an EKG as simple as you did. I'm like amazed by all the stuff that I thought I knew but actually don't.
Cory J.