Surviving Sepsis: When Every Second Counts


This course focuses on care of the patient with Sepsis and Septic Shock. The Surviving Sepsis guidelines including challenges in Sepsis identification early warning systems, labs and initial treatment are discussed.  In addition, we will review fluid choice, using non-invasive and arterial line technologies to identify fluid/preload responsiveness, stroke volume optimization, vasopressors, critical care management and PEARLS for therapy. 

Joining us throughout the journey of this course is Katy. Katy survived Septic Shock and multiple complications including limb amputations. She shares her heartfelt story and perspective of surviving this complicated disease.

Course Details

Course Format: eLearning/Self-directed course
Contact Hours: 6.5
Course Length: 380

What's Included

  • 1 year unlimited 24/7 access to the online course
  • 6.5 contact hours
  • Downloadable PDF Study Guide
  • Printable CE Certificate


Nicole Kupchik Consulting, Inc. is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing. Provider #16363. This program is approved for 6.5 contact hours

Learning Objectives

  • Identify signs of Sepsis and organ dysfunction
  • Discuss the 1-hour, 3-hour and 6-hour bundles from the Surviving Sepsis Guidelines & CMS measure
  • Describe the differences between crystalloid fluid resuscitation options
  • Discuss early evidence-based Sepsis therapy including measures of fluid responsiveness and stroke volume optimization
  • Describe the integration of non-invasive & arterial line hemodynamic monitoring into clinical practice
  • Analyze lactate & procalcitonin results for use to drive decision making
  • Provide a basic overview of antibiotics and the use of antibiotograms
  • Discuss the use of vasoactive medications and options available

Additional Information

Course Refund Policy

Once the purchase for the course is made and accessed online, there are no refunds available.

Course Expiration Time Zone

Access to the course expires 1 year after purchase, regardless of when the course is accessed. Please note, courses are set to expire at 00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on the expiry date.

For example, students in Pacific Standard Time (UTC 8 hrs ahead), will find their class expires at 4:00 PM PST.  Due to the major time difference, we have set all courses to expire on day 366 so you receive a full year of access plus a few bonus hours.

Extension Policy

All courses will be limited to a maximum of one extension. The one-time extension is valid for 6 months @ 40% of the full cost of the course. Extension requests must be received via email at [email protected].

Access This Course Via Our Mobile App

Download the NKC Online Video Courses App on Google play

Course Agenda

Module 1: Surviving Sepsis

  • Lesson 1: Introduction - 8:14 mins

Module 2: Sepsis: The Big Picture

  • Lesson 1: A Global Issue - 26:25 mins
  • Lesson 2: The Physiologic Effects of Sepsis - 29:56 mins
  • Lesson 3: Sepsis Identification - 27:29 mins

Module 3: The Sepsis Bundle

  • Lesson 1: The First 6 Hours - 10:41 mins  
  • Lesson 2: CBC + Lactate - 23:02 mins  
  • Lesson 3: How to Use Procalcitonin - 6:52 mins
  • Lesson 4: An Antibiotic Overview Part 1 - 17:24 mins
  • Lesson 5: An Antibiotic Overview Part 2 - 19:04 mins

Module 4: Beyond the Sepsis Bundle

  • Lesson 1: Fluid Administration - 27:26 mins
  • Lesson 2: The Passive Leg Raise (PLR) Test - 8:59 mins
  • Lesson 3: Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring - 18:03 mins
  • Lesson 4: Case Study #1 - 14:59 mins
  • Lesson 5: Arterial Line Technology - 24:16 mins

Module 5: Septic Shock & Complications

  • Lesson 1: Vasopressors - 30:56 mins
  • Lesson 2: Complications of Sepsis: ARDS - 29:18 mins
  • Lesson 3: Complications of Sepsis: AKI - 29:48 mins
  • Lesson 4: Complications of Sepsis: Delirium - 22:54 mins

Module 6: Wrap-Up

  • Lesson 1: Sepsis Resources - 3:00 mins

Here are what nurses are saying about Nicole and her teaching style:

"Nicole does a great job teaching in a way you can understand and keeps your attention."

"Great course! Kept us engaged as well for a long class. Great methods used to teach and remember course information."

"Your energy and passion to teach makes learning a breeze! Love how you break down complicated content and make it easy to remember."

Nurses tesimonial image

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