NEW ONLINE COURSE! Surviving Sepsis: When Every Second Counts. $99 intro price! (reg $149). 10% of all proceeds donated to Sepsis Alliance 


CCRN® and/or PCCN® Certification Reviews

Cardiac Medicine (CMC®) and Cardiac Surgery (CSC®) Certification Review

Here are the upcoming Certification Review Courses that Nicole Kupchik will lead.

To register for one of these certification courses, please select the date and location.

Upcoming CCRN® & PCCN® Review Courses:

September 9 & 10: Des Moines, IA

September 17 & 18: Minneapolis, MN

September 25 & 26: St Louis, MO

October 2 & 3: Indianapolis, IN

October 8 & 9: Oklahoma City, OK

Upcoming CMC® & CSC® Review Courses:

Stayed tuned for more CMC & CSC courses to come!

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